Mangu DCC Humanitarian Support

The People Oriented Development of ECWA provided humanitarian aid to 200 households who are victims of communal crisis in Mangu L.G.A of plateau state. The crisis caused immense suffering, displacements, and loss of livelihoods, necessitating immediate assistance to alleviate the victims’ hardships. The aids distribution had in attendance the ECWA Mangu DCC Executive lead by Rev. Emmanuel Haruna, the Magahvul Development Association (MDA) executive lead by Mr. Markus Dunwesh, the Mushikam of Mangu (da Moses Buba), the Mushikam of Bungha (da Danladi Denan), the (CAN) executive lead by Rev Timothy Daluk, and victims of the communal crisis from 40 different communities, received the support from POD OF ECWA lead by the Director Rev DR. Ephraim Yoms and his team.

While presenting the items to the victims, Rev DR. Ephraim Yoms express his deep feelings, and concern recognizing the pain and hardship that the crisis has brought upon the communities. He condoled with the entire Mangu nation for loss of lives, properties and community displacement. He commended the strength of the people in the face of this adversity. POD of ECWA is committed to working tirelessly to address the immediate needs arising from this crisis and implementing long-term solutions to prevent such events in the future. The victims were encouraged to stand united, lean on each other for support, and move forward with the resilience that defines their community.

Trauma Healing and Peace Building for Community and Religious Leaders

POD of ECWA is committed in working in communities facing the aftermath of conflicts or enduring Displacement, loss of lives, loss of properties and to release victims from the burden of carrying resentment. POD of ECWA has and is still engaging fifty (50) Community and fifty (50) religious leaders of the Mangu Communal Crisis to play pivotal roles in fostering healing and rebuilding fractured societies. Community and religious leaders are not just spiritual guides; they are anchors in times of turmoil, holding the power to guide their communities towards healing and sustainable peace thus making these leaders become catalysts for transformative change.

POD of ECWA also created Joint initiatives with partnering communities to form Peace groups by strengthen community bonds and to promote a united front against violence and promote shared values of compassion, tolerance, and peace in creating environments that promote reconciliation and resilience.

These Peace groups are trained with the necessary skills to empower them to guide their communities effectively. To fostering empathy, promote reconciliation, and actively engage in peace-building initiatives,  In their hands lies the potential to cultivate resilience, rebuild fractured societies, and pave the way for a future characterized by understanding, unity, and lasting peace..

Enhancing Water Sources, ventilated Pit Latrine (VIPs) for Hygiene and Well-being

Access to clean and reliable water remains a grapple with inadequate water sources, posing significant challenges to proper hygiene and overall well-being.  The scarcity of clean water is a pervasive issue. Communities’ members often rely on unregulated wells, rivers, or ponds, exposing them to waterborne diseases. Open defecation still remain a struggles concern by release of harmful gases and spread of diseases.  Improving water sources and construction of VIPs in our partnering communities is not only addresses immediate health concerns but also lays the foundation for sustainable development and improved living conditions.

In a period under review POD was able to facilitate the construction of 19 wells, renovation of 2 bore-holes, and construction of 10 VIPs.

Tree Planting campaign 2023, Greening the Future.

POD of ECWA currently working in 60 target Communities carried out Tree planting campaigns which plays a crucial role in addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable development. As our communities’ grapples with issues like deforestation, climate change, and loss of biodiversity, these campaigns emerge as powerful initiatives to combat these pressing concerns. The process helps mitigate the effects of climate change by reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Which foster community involvement and environmental awareness.

Engaging the 60 communities in such initiatives did not only improves the local environment but also instills a sense of responsibility and pride among participants. In the period under review, we planted 14,400 assorted fruit and non-fruit trees across the 60 communities which contributed to creating and preserving these climate-regulating environments. Building a sustainable and resilient future.

The benefits extend beyond the immediate environmental impact to encompass social, economic, and global dimensions as we contribute to a greener, healthier planet for current and future generations.

Sustainable Agriculture

For many communities that POD of ECWA have work and partner with, agriculture remains a cornerstone of income generation. Small-scale farming initiatives, such as organic farming, Animal husbandry, and irrigation farming has not only provide a source of income but also contribute to food security. Food security is a global concern that demands comprehensive solutions to guarantee a stable and reliable food supply for every individual in our communities. The importance of efficient storage systems cannot be overstated.

POD of ECWA prioritizes the development and implementation of effective storage solutions to significantly reduce food loss, promote sustainability, and ensure a more resilient and secure food supply in its partnering communities. As we navigate the challenges of feeding a growing global population, embracing agro ecological principles is not just an option; it is a necessity for a resilient and sustainable agricultural future.

POD of ECWA is implementing sustainable and eco-friendly practices to ensure the longevity of such ventures while fostering a connection to the land. By harmonizing agricultural systems with natural processes, POD of ECWA aims to addresses the urgent need for environmentally sound and socially just food production to fight poverty an hunger in its partnering communities.

Community mobilization and capacity building

Community mobilization, monitoring, and evaluation are integral components of successful development initiatives at POD of ECWA. POD rallied around its partnering communities to ensure the participation of diverse community members, including marginalized groups. Inclusivity promotes a sense of ownership and shared responsibility for the success of projects to its both direct and indirect beneficiaries.

POD resonate with the community’s needs, creating a sense of purpose and unity among its members by involving them in decision-making processes. This inclusion fosters a sense of agency, as individuals in our partnering communities become active contributors to the planning and execution of initiatives affecting their lives. Ensuring that the project stays on course and meets its intended goals. Identifying Challenges to enable prompt solutions. Which has helped over the years to prevent issues from escalating and negatively impacting the overall success of the project.

POD of ECWA is mindful of the fact Communities are dynamic, and their needs may evolve over time by reinforcing the collaborative nature and building its communities capacity to self-reliance and sustainable development. In the period under review POD of ECWA have continue to work in 60 partnering communities within and across northern part of Nigeria by mobilizing and empowering over 8,300 direct beneficiaries namely as women Group, youth group, peace group, farmers group, voluntary Health Workers, committee Development committee’s among many others.